Your body is as brilliant as your mind. It reflects exactly what you are thinking about yourself. Stephanie Wood and Sharon Shriqui let you in on the little known secrets of your body. Are you aware your body has the ability to share knowledge with you? Is your body as confident as you are? Your Body is Talking to you... Are you listening?
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Helena Hansen and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
Helena Hansen, a book editor and one of the founders of Make Books Better, holds master's degrees in both Creative Writing and Literature. With a relentless commitment to quality and a celebration of creativity, Helena and the team at Make Books Better collaborate with top professionals in the industry, elevating the world of books while always remembering to have fun.
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and helena@makebooksbetter.com
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Anika Jameson and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills.
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
I am an Image Strategist and founder of Your Intrinsic Image. I guide women who are ready to come out of the shadows, to be seen and embody their intrinsic image by revealing their inner beauty, power and presence to express their authenticity confidently.
Email: anika@yourintrinsicimage,com
Phone number: 407-494-4677
IG: @yourintrinsicimage
FB: @damalistyleproject
LinkedIn: Anika Jameson
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and anika@yourintrinsicimage,com
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
What to know What to Practice when you are beginning a New Chapter in your Life
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
PS: It is a lot of Fun with Anika and Stephanie
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Anika Jameson and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills.
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
I am an Image Strategist and founder of Your Intrinsic Image. I guide women who are ready to come out of the shadows, to be seen and embody their intrinsic image by revealing their inner beauty, power and presence to express their authenticity confidently
Phone number: 407-494-4677
IG: @yourintrinsicimage
FB: @damalistyleproject
LinkedIn: Anika Jameson
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and anika@yourintrinsicimage.com
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Kim Luret and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills.
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
As a certified transformational coach, Kim works with clients from around the world; showing them a proven, reliable, repeatable process to make the life they dream of, their reality. She specializes in helping women over 45 facing transition in relationships, career or family have the tools to confidently create their life’s next chapter – a life of purpose, fulfillment, and abundance.
Contact information:
Instagram: kimluret
FB: Kim Luret Life Coach
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and kim@kimluret.com
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Entrepreneurs! Delegate in ways that work for you! With Thao and Stephanie
Monday Jul 10, 2023
Monday Jul 10, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Coach Thao Nguyan and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Let’s use the Body Knowledge System® to unite your body’s wisdom and your entrepreneurial skills with your managing teams.
Coach Stephanie Wood coaches entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their Business.
With my Body Knowledge System ® and my experiences creating/owning and managing several profitable businesses
**Thao Nguyan: http://thetreasureyou.com She welcomes questions and challenges you may be having. Thao enjoys coaching women in the Corporate World to make better choices for themselves and their families.
Entrepreneurs! Tap into YOUR body confidence to ensure that your intentions are met in all areas of your life.
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and coach.thao@gmail.com
Website: http://thetreasureyou.com
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Toll-Free Number: 1-866-76-COACH
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Entrepreneurs! How to Attract Clients in a Heart-Centered Way
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Johanna Alper and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills.
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
After 40 years of practicing and teaching Classical 5 Element Acupuncture in Boulder, Colorado, Johanna Alper now coaches highly sensitive healers, coaches, and entrepreneurs who resent marketing be able to attract and serve more clients and prosper.
--Your business is a "Living System" and the 5 Elemental Energies of acupuncture can help you market in a way that is organic, fun, and congruent with your excellent heart-centered services."
--You can contact Johanna at www.JohannaAlper.com or on Instagram (@johanna Alper) where you can take the 2 minute Holistic Business Success Quiz to help your business thrive.
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and Johanna at www.JohannaAlper.com
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Entrepreneurs! Delegating made Easy with Sharon & Stephanie
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Coach Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Let’s use the Body Knowledge System® to unite your body’s wisdom and your entrepreneurial skills with your managing teams.
Knowing your personal Body Knowledge System Style® will help you be genuine in any situation… get the tools and techniques you need!
Entrepreneurs! Tap into YOUR body confidence to ensure that your intentions are met in all areas.
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and sharonshriqui@gmail.com
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Toll-Free Number: 1-866-76-COACH
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Entrepreneurs! How to Network YOUR way!
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
Thursday Jul 06, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Josef Katz and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills.
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
As a "Startup Marketing Guy" Josef Katz helps early-stage companies go from unknown to well-known. Ask Josef how he can help your organization utilize some of the best kept marketing secrets to grow your business.
Contact info
https://twitter.com/directmaestro / @directmaestro
Josef also cohosts The PrimeLife Podcast and run investor meetings
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
These coaching methods will get you started.
Gain a new perspective today with Davida Shensky and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Stephanie Wood coaches women entrepreneurs to integrate better skills and techniques into their business AND also to introduce them to better confidence skills.
How? With her Body Knowledge System® and her experiences creating/owning/managing several profitable businesses.
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Text: 908-342-1578
Other episodes:
Davida Shensky is a Career & Personal Development Strategy Coach that works with clients to build their business online.
--Davida Shensky, President
Career Performance Institute
International Disabled Entrepreneurs, Inc. Founder
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and succoach321@gmail.com
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Entrepreneurs! Knowing your Style makes Delegating a breeze!
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
Wednesday Jun 21, 2023
These coaching methods will get you into a more positive way of living.
Gain a new perspective today with Coach Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood to improve your business and personal life.
Let’s use the Body Knowledge System® to unite your body’s wisdom and your entrepreneurial skills with your managing teams.
Knowing your personal Body Knowledge System Style® will help you be genuine in any situation… get the tools and techniques you need!
Entrepreneurs! Tap into YOUR body confidence to ensure that your intentions are met in all areas.
Email:coachstephaniewood@gmail.com and sharonshriqui@gmail.com
Website: http://www.bodyawe.com
Toll-Free Number: 1-866-76-COACH
Other episodes: