Your body is as brilliant as your mind. It reflects exactly what you are thinking about yourself. Stephanie Wood and Sharon Shriqui let you in on the little known secrets of your body. Are you aware your body has the ability to share knowledge with you? Is your body as confident as you are? Your Body is Talking to you... Are you listening?
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Body Confidence and Work Stress
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Monday Sep 23, 2019
Stress in the workplace is common. You work hard at your job… and let’s be honest: sometimes it’s difficult!
This week… learn how to cut down on stress in the workplace, simply by changing the words in your head.
Your body will thank you!
Listen and learn with Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones and Sharon Shriqui at Body Confidence - LOA style Radio Show.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Sharon Shriqui
Email: sharonmotiv8s@gmail.com
Instagram: Lifecoachingwithsharon
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Wednesday Sep 18, 2019
Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood
to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.
Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.
We want to hear your comments at our individual sites( see below)
Shelagh Jones and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System ®.
Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image and Shelagh and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Learn Healthy Eating Strategies-your way
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Monday Sep 16, 2019
Listen and learn with Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones and Sharon Shriqui at Body Confidence- LOA style Radio Show
Whose to say what foods are healthy and what foods are not healthy?
If a MacDonald’s hamburger has taught my intellect that it is ‘bad’ for us but my body digests the MacDonald’s hamburger with ease and joy, so be it!
Bottom line: there is no healthy eating or unhealthy eating.
What it is about is how your body responds to certain food choices; of course, it that food choice gives you unhealthy symptoms in your system then there is a need to re evaluate.
Practice Experimentation and listen to your body and head
Email: coachstephaniewood@gmail.com
Other episodes can be found at
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Sharon Shriqui
Email: sharonmotiv8s@gmail.com
Instagram: Lifecoachingwithsharon
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Learn how to take risks to elevate your Body Confidence.
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Tuesday Sep 10, 2019
Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together.
Enjoy listening and feel free to give feedback at our Facebook page.
Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversation confirms this.
We want to hear your comments at
Shelagh Jones and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System ®.
Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image and Shelagh and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Listen and learn with Coach Stephanie Wood, Shelagh Jones and Sharon Shriqui at Body Confidence- LOA style Radio Show
Listen to creative coaching choices that enhance your understanding of Body Confidence and Body Positivity when events challenge you to see and think clearly.
Have you ever moved?
Have you ever found that your computer stopped working?
Email: coachstephaniewood@gmail.com
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Sharon Shriqui
Email: sharonmotiv8s@gmail.com
Instagram: Lifecoachingwithsharon
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
How to conquer financial issues to ensure positive body positivity
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Thursday Sep 05, 2019
Listen and learn at ‘Body Confidence-LOA Style’
Join Coach Stephanie Wood with Sharon Shriqui and Shelagh Jones
to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.
Learn the ‘54321’method to elevate your body confidence
Learn how to perceive your financial issues differently to create positive body passivity.
Seek ways to create better body positivity by improving your daily self-care rituals
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Sharon Shriqui
Email: sharonmotiv8s@gmail.com
Instagram: Lifecoachingwithsharon
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
How to better your Body Confidence during Life Changing Events
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Learn what will work for you by listening to this podcast.
Join Coach Stephanie Wood with Sharon Shriqui and Shelagh Jones to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.
Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.
We want to hear your comments at our individual sites( see below)
Shelagh Jones, Sharon Shriqui and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System ®.
Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s confidence. So, Shelagh, Sharon and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Sharon Shriqui
Email: sharonmotiv8s@gmail.com
Instagram: Lifecoachingwithsharon
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Join Shelagh Jones and Coach Stephanie Wood to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.
Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.
We want to hear your comments at our individual sites( see below)
Shelagh Jones and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System ®.
Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image and Shelagh and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Friday Aug 23, 2019
Friday Aug 23, 2019
The conversation today is exploring what happens when you move to a different physical location (environmental changes) and how you can enhance your Body Confidence by including your body with new creative options in this new environment.
Inside this podcast you will learn LOA and Body Knowledge principles to make Body Confidence part of your Lifestyle made easy!
Let’s discover creative choices in this situation together.
Enjoy listening and feel free to give feedback at our Facebook page.
Shelagh Jones and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System ®.
Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s image and Shelagh and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StephanieHealthyLifestyleCoach
Email: coachstephaniewood@gmail.com
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Food shaming is a lot like body shaming. Really?
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Monday Aug 19, 2019
Can Body confidence combat food shaming?
How do you get over body shaming and food shaming?
Learn what will work for you by listening to this podcast.
Join Shelagh Jones with Sharon Shriqui and Coach Stephanie Wood
to discover creative choices with a body confidence coaching technique on their radio conversation.
Body Confidence happens when you take risk and learn from mistakes. Our interesting and intricate conversations confirm this.
We want to hear your comments at our individual sites( see below)
Shelagh Jones, Sharon Shriqui and Stephanie Wood have the Tools and Techniques to create better Body Confidence! Join us at the LOA Radio Network for Body Confidence Law of Attraction Style with Law of Attraction Principles weaved into the Body Knowledge System ®.
Remember there are times when you may feel out of sync with your Body’s confidence. So, Shelagh, Sharon and Stephanie are here to get you back on track. Identify with their stories to be inspired to move forward.
Feel free to let us hear from you.
Coach Stephanie Wood
Website: http://bodyawe.com/
Shelagh Jones
Website: www.shelaghjones.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shelaghjonesbiz/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shelagh
Sharon Shriqui
Email: sharonmotiv8s@gmail.com
Instagram: Lifecoachingwithsharon